Books – Autumn Publishing – Serena Valentino Series
€2.99– Poor Unfortunate Soul:
How did the sea witch, Ursula, become so twisted and filled with anger and hatred? Determined to be with her new love, Ariel makes a dangerous deal with Ursula. Will the cost of losing her enchanting voice and nearly her soul prove too high for Ariel, or will the power of good prevail? Losing then finding one’s voice is at the heart of the classic story of The Little Mermaid.
– Fairest of All:
How did the wicked queen become so evil?
When the King asks for her hand in marriage, the beautiful daughter of a cruel mirror-maker accepts, hoping her fortunes will change for the better… but will they?
This is the untold tale of love, loss and dark magic behind the classic story of Snow White.
– The Odd Sisters:
When the truth about the odd sisters is revealed, will anything be the same again? Throughout the course of time, three witches – Lucinda, Ruby and Martha – have changed the fates of the greatest villains ever known. They’ve turned innocents into monsters and left chaos in their wake. Now those they have wronged throughout the many kingdoms demand justice and the secrets of the twisted, diabolical odd sisters are about to be revealed…– Suitable for young adult readers
Books – Bella Berger
€9.00Bella ma kinitx ghalkollox komda b’persunitha. Kienet tinheba go flokkijiet wesghin u l-gins kienet issibu komdu ghal kull okkazjoni. Kultant xtaqet tkun bhal habibitha, Jasmine, bl-ghadam ta’ genbejha mqabbez ‘l barra jew bhal ohtha Darlene, b’figura ta’ ballerina. Marvin ta’ hdejhom minn dejjem kien nitfa ta’
Imma ghaliex in-nies jiggudikawk minn kif tidher aktar milli x’taf taghmel? U ghalfejn dawk ta’ madwarek jibqghu jinbidlu? Jew jiddettawlek x’ghandek tibdel biex tidher ahjar? Shabek ikollhom genn biex jikbru, jew iwarrbuk imbaghad jergghu jkellmuk xhin ikun komdu ghalihom.
Dawk li tkun thobb tibza li jitilqu? In-nanna Bianca se tibqa’ maghha, tirrakkontalha, tinkoraggiha f’holmietha? U Bella kienet lesta li tinbidel? Kienet lesta li tikber? -