The Think & Learn range has been developed with school teachers and students to ensure that it meets their revision needs, both for school and home revision. These primary level workbooks cover the latest syllabi and are in line with the Learning Outcomes Framework set by the Education Department. This series is an ideal tool for parents who wish to guide their children to achieve the best results in their examinations.
Is-sensiela Think & Learn ġiet żviluppata flimkien mal-għalliema u l-istudenti biex tassigura li taqdi l-bżonnijiet tat-taħriġ, kemm fl-iskola kif ukoll id-dar.
Dawn il-kotba tat-taħriġ għall-primarja jkopru l-aħħar sillabi u jimxu id f’id mal-Qafas tal-Kisbiet mit-Tagħlim tad-Dipartiment tal-Edukazzjoni.
Din is-serje hija għodda ideali għall-ġenituri li jixtiequ jiggwidaw lit-tfal tagħhom biex jiksbu l-aħjar riżultati fl-eżamijiet.
Is-sensiela Think & Learn ġiet żviluppata flimkien mal-għalliema u l-istudenti biex tassigura li taqdi l-bżonnijiet tat-taħriġ, kemm fl-iskola kif ukoll id-dar. Dawn il-kotba tat-taħriġ għall-primarja jkopru l-aħħar sillabi u jimxu id f’id mal-Qafas tal-Kisbiet mit-Tagħlim tad-Dipartiment tal-Edukazzjoni. Din is-serje hija għodda ideali għall-ġenituri li jixtiequ jiggwidaw lit-tfal tagħhom biex jiksbu l-aħjar riżultati fl-eżamijiet.
Is-sensiela Think & Learn ġiet żviluppata flimkien mal-għalliema u l-istudenti biex tassigura li taqdi l-bżonnijiet tat-taħriġ, kemm fl-iskola kif ukoll id-dar. Dawn il-kotba tat-taħriġ għall-primarja jkopru l-aħħar sillabi u jimxu id f’id mal-Qafas tal-Kisbiet mit-Tagħlim tad-Dipartiment tal-Edukazzjoni. Din is-serje hija għodda ideali għall-ġenituri li jixtiequ jiggwidaw lit-tfal tagħhom biex jiksbu l-aħjar riżultati fl-eżamijiet.
The Think & Learn range has been developed with school teachers and students to ensure that it meets their revision needs, both for school and home revision. These primary level workbooks cover the latest syllabi and are in line with the Learning Outcomes Framework set by the Education Department. This series is an ideal tool for parents who wish to guide their children to achieve the best results in their examinations.
– Think and Learn is an ideal revision tool and may also be used as a supplementary workbook throughout the year.
– These workbooks cover the latest syllabi and are in line with the Learning Outcomes Framework set by the Education Department
The Think & Learn range has been developed with school teachers and students to ensure that it meets their revision needs, both for school and home revision. These primary level workbooks cover the latest syllabi and are in line with the Learning Outcomes Framework set by the Education Department. This series is an ideal tool for parents who wish to guide their children to achieve the best results in their examinations.
The Think & Learn range has been developed with school teachers and students to ensure it meets their revision needs, for both school and home revision.
These primary level workbooks cover the latest syllabi and are in line with the Learning Outcomes Framework set by the Education Department.
This series is an ideal tool for parents who wish to guide their children to achieve the best results in their examinations.
The Think & Learn range has been developed with school teachers and students to ensure it meets their revision needs, for both school and home revision. These primary level workbooks cover the latest syllabi and are in line with the Learning Outcomes Framework set by the Education Department. This series is an ideal tool for parents who wish to guide their children to achieve the best results in their examinations.
The Think & Learn range has been developed with school teachers and students to ensure it meets their revision needs, for both school and home revision. These primary level workbooks cover the latest syllabi and are in line with the Learning Outcomes Framework set by the Education Department. This series is an ideal tool for parents who wish to guide their children to achieve the best results in their examinations.
As with all books published by BDL, our intention is to make learning fun.
Think and Learn Mental Mathematics comprises of 24 sample papers for the test which students have to sit for in the Half-Yearly and Annual examinations as from February 2012.
Think and Learn is an ideal revision tool and may also be used as a supplementary workbook throughout the year.
As with all books published by BDL Publications, our intention is to make learning fun!
The Think & Learn range has been developed with school teachers and students to ensure that it meets their revision needs, both for school and home revision. These primary level workbooks cover the latest syllabi and are in line with the Learning Outcomes Framework set by the Education Department. This series is an ideal tool for parents who wish to guide their children to achieve the best results in their examinations.
– Dan hu ktieb iehor fis-sensiela Ahseb u Tghallem li hu aggornat mat-tibdil li qed isir rigward l-assessjar tal-istudenti.
– Dan il-ktieb jigbor fih ir-rizorsi kollha li l-ghalliema ghandhom bzonn biex jippreparaw l-istudenti taghhom ghall-ezamijiet tas-Smigh u tal-Oral ta’ ‘Tmiem l-Edukazzjoni Primarja’.
– Il-ktieb jinkludi wkoll xi tahrig biex l-istudenti jtejbu l-hiliet taghhom fil-kitba fil-qosor.
– 3 CD
The ‘Think & Learn’ range has been developed with school teachers and students to ensure it meets their revision needs, for both school and home revision.
These primary level workbooks cover the latest syllabi and are in line with the Learning Outcomes Framework set by the Education Department.
This series is an ideal tool for parents who wish to guide their children to achieve the best results in their examinations.
Is-sensiela Think & Learn giet zviluppata flimkien mal-ghalliema u l-istudenti biex tassigura li taqdi l-bzonnijiet tat-tahrig, kemm fl-iskola kif ukoll id-dar. Dawn il-kotba tat-tahrig ghall-primarja jkopru l-ahhar sillabi u jimxu id f’ida mal-Qafas tal-Kisbiet mit-Taghlim tad-Dipartiment tal-Edukazzjoni. Din is-serje hija ghodda ideali ghall-genituri li jixtiequ jiggwidaw lit-tfal taghhom biex jiksbu l-ahjar rizultati fl-ezamijiet.
Dan il-ktieb mhu marbut mal-ebda sena partikolari halli t-tfal jibdew jitghallmu jiktbu bil-maghqud meta l-ghalliema taghhom jahsbu li t-tfal huma lesti biex jaghmlu dan.
The Think & Learn range has been developed with school teachers and students to ensure it meets their revision needs, for both school and home revision. These primary level workbooks cover the latest syllabi and are in line with the Learning Outcomes Framework set by the Education Department. This series is an ideal tool for parents who wish to guide their children to achieve the best results in their examinations.
F’dan l-aħħar ktieb fis-sensiela Tikka Malti, l-istudenti tas-sitt sena primarja jiltaqgħu ma’ diversi temi bħat-turiżmu, il-moda, il-fantasija u l-futur. Dawn it-temi jiġu indirizzati permezz tal-ħiliet tal-qari, tal-kitba, tat-taħdit u tas-smigħ. Tikka Malti 6b jindirizza wkoll numru ta’ aspetti grammatikali fosthom il-verbi trilitteri, il-verbi kwadrilitteri u l-pronomi mehmużin. Ikompli fejn ħalla Tikka Malti 6a, u bħalu nħadem bl-għan li l-istudenti jkopru l-Qafas tal-Kisbiet mit-Tagħlim (LOF) li huma mistennija jilħqu f’dan il-livell. B’hekk iħejju ruħhom għall-assessjar ta’ tmiem il-primarja.
Dan il-ktieb huwa akkumpanjat b’podcasts u riżorsi utli għall-edukaturi
Dan il-ktieb huwa akkumpanjat b?podcasts u rizorsi utli ghall-edukaturi.