Showing 101–150 of 184 results

  • Number Wise Textbook 6A


    Number Wise is a collection of mathematics textbooks and workbooks specifically designed to cater for all the years of primary education. The series is produced by a team of Maltese primary teachers using the local context, making it specific and relevant for Maltese children. The contents are easy to follow with clear explanations and examples based on the National Curriculum Framework.

    The series explores the four strands of Mathematics: Number, Measurement, Space and Shape and Data Handling presenting situations and problems that the pupils themselves may encounter during their development. This promotes reasoning, logical thought and critical skills in an environment they can easily relate to.

    The CPA approach, particularly in the early years, helps children learn by using concrete material, pictorial and visual aids.

    The series is complemented with Number Wise RAP which is a collection of revision assessment papers to help students reinforce what they have learnt. Number Wise RAP is supported with online podcasts for aural mental test questions.

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  • Number Wise Textbook 6B


    Number Wise is a collection of mathematics textbooks and workbooks specifically designed to cater for all the years of primary education. The series is produced by a team of Maltese primary teachers using the local context, making it specific and relevant for Maltese children. The contents are easy to follow with clear explanations and examples based on the National Curriculum Framework.

    The series explores the four strands of Mathematics: Number, Measurement, Space and Shape and Data Handling presenting situations and problems that the pupils themselves may encounter during their development. This promotes reasoning, logical thought and critical skills in an environment they can easily relate to.

    The CPA approach, particularly in the early years, helps children learn by using concrete material, pictorial and visual aids.

    The series is complemented with Number Wise RAP which is a collection of revision assessment papers to help students reinforce what they have learnt. Number Wise RAP is supported with online podcasts for aural mental test questions.

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  • Number Wise Workbook 3a


    Number Wise is a collection of mathematics textbooks and workbooks specifically designed to cater for all the years of primary education. The series is produced by a team of Maltese primary teachers using the local context, making it specific and relevant for Maltese children. The contents are easy to follow with clear explanations and examples based on the National Curriculum Framework.

    The series explores the four strands of Mathematics: Number, Measurement, Space and Shape and Data Handling presenting situations and problems that the pupils themselves may encounter during their development. This promotes reasoning, logical thought and critical skills in an environment they can easily relate to.

    The CPA approach, particularly in the early years, helps children learn by using concrete material, pictorial and visual aids.

    The series is complemented with Number Wise RAP which is a collection of revision assessment papers to help students reinforce what they have learnt. Number Wise RAP is supported with online podcasts for aural mental test questions.

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  • Number Wise Workbook 3b


    Number Wise is a collection of mathematics textbooks and workbooks specifically designed to cater for all the years of primary education. The series is produced by a team of Maltese primary teachers using the local context, making it specific and relevant for Maltese children. The contents are easy to follow with clear explanations and examples based on the National Curriculum Framework.

    The series explores the four strands of Mathematics: Number, Measurement, Space and Shape and Data Handling presenting situations and problems that the pupils themselves may encounter during their development. This promotes reasoning, logical thought and critical skills in an environment they can easily relate to.

    The CPA approach, particularly in the early years, helps children learn by using concrete material, pictorial and visual aids.

    The series is complemented with Number Wise RAP which is a collection of revision assessment papers to help students reinforce what they have learnt. Number Wise RAP is supported with online podcasts for aural mental test questions.

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  • Number Wise Workbook 5a


    Number Wise is a collection of mathematics textbooks and workbooks specifically designed to cater for all the years of primary education. The series is produced by a team of Maltese primary teachers using the local context, making it specific and relevant for Maltese children. The contents are easy to follow with clear explanations and examples based on the National Curriculum Framework.

    The series explores the four strands of Mathematics: Number, Measurement, Space and Shape and Data Handling presenting situations and problems that the pupils themselves may encounter during their development. This promotes reasoning, logical thought and critical skills in an environment they can easily relate to.

    The CPA approach, particularly in the early years, helps children learn by using concrete material, pictorial and visual aids.

    The series is complemented with Number Wise RAP which is a collection of revision assessment papers to help students reinforce what they have learnt. Number Wise RAP is supported with online podcasts for aural mental test questions.

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  • Number Wise Workbook 5b


    Number Wise is a collection of mathematics textbooks and workbooks specifically designed to cater for all the years of primary education. The series is produced by a team of Maltese primary teachers using the local context, making it specific and relevant for Maltese children. The contents are easy to follow with clear explanations and examples based on the National Curriculum Framework.

    The series explores the four strands of Mathematics: Number, Measurement, Space and Shape and Data Handling presenting situations and problems that the pupils themselves may encounter during their development. This promotes reasoning, logical thought and critical skills in an environment they can easily relate to.

    The CPA approach, particularly in the early years, helps children learn by using concrete material, pictorial and visual aids.

    The series is complemented with Number Wise RAP which is a collection of revision assessment papers to help students reinforce what they have learnt. Number Wise RAP is supported with online podcasts for aural mental test questions.

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  • Number Wise Workbook 6a


    Number Wise is a collection of mathematics textbooks and workbooks specifically designed to cater for all the years of primary education. The series is produced by a team of Maltese primary teachers using the local context, making it specific and relevant for Maltese children. The contents are easy to follow with clear explanations and examples based on the National Curriculum Framework.

    The series explores the four strands of Mathematics: Number, Measurement, Space and Shape and Data Handling presenting situations and problems that the pupils themselves may encounter during their development. This promotes reasoning, logical thought and critical skills in an environment they can easily relate to.

    The CPA approach, particularly in the early years, helps children learn by using concrete material, pictorial and visual aids.

    The series is complemented with Number Wise RAP which is a collection of revision assessment papers to help students reinforce what they have learnt. Number Wise RAP is supported with online podcasts for aural mental test questions.

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  • Number Wise Workbook 6b


    Number Wise is a collection of mathematics textbooks and workbooks specifically designed to cater for all the years of primary education. The series is produced by a team of Maltese primary teachers using the local context, making it specific and relevant for Maltese children. The contents are easy to follow with clear explanations and examples based on the National Curriculum Framework.

    The series explores the four strands of Mathematics: Number, Measurement, Space and Shape and Data Handling presenting situations and problems that the pupils themselves may encounter during their development. This promotes reasoning, logical thought and critical skills in an environment they can easily relate to.

    The CPA approach, particularly in the early years, helps children learn by using concrete material, pictorial and visual aids.


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  • Physics Q4U

    8.95 Select options
  • Ready Study Science 3


    Ready, Study Science is a series of workbooks targeting Primary level students leading on to Middle school. The workbooks are designed to be in line with the Learning Outcomes found in the NCF making this series unique as it is custom-made for the Maltese educational system.

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  • Ready Study Science 5A


    Ready, Study Science is a series of workbooks targeting Primary level students leading on to Middle school. The workbooks are designed to be in line with the Learning Outcomes found in the NCF making this series unique as it is custom-made for the Maltese educational system.

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  • Ready Study Science 5B


    Ready, Study Science is a series of workbooks targeting Primary level students leading on to Middle school. The workbooks are designed to be in line with the Learning Outcomes found in the NCF making this series unique as it is custom-made for the Maltese educational system.

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  • Ready Study Science 6A


    Ready, Study Science is a series of workbooks targeting Primary level students leading on to Middle school. The workbooks are designed to be in line with the Learning Outcomes found in the NCF making this series unique as it is custom-made for the Maltese educational system.

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  • Ready Study Science 6B


    Ready, Study Science is a series of workbooks targeting Primary level students leading on to Middle school. The workbooks are designed to be in line with the Learning Outcomes found in the NCF making this series unique as it is custom-made for the Maltese educational system.

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  • Ready Study Science: 4A


    – Time to learn science with Chris and Molly
    – Suitable for year 4 level & covers the Life Science area
    – Science for Maltese Primary Schools based on the Learning Outcome Approach

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  • Ready Study Science: 4B


    – Time to learn science with Chris and Molly
    – Suitable for year 4 level & covers the Physical and Material Science areas
    – Science for Maltese Primary Schools based on the Learning Outcome Approach

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  • Sensiela Fanali – Ktieb ta’ tahrig fil qari u l-Kitba ta’ kliem f’kuntest


    Dawn il-kotba ta’ taħriġ fil-qari u l-kitba ta’ kliem f’kuntest jaħdmu id f’id ma’ sensiela ta’ kotba ta’ qari fejn il-kliem preżentat huwa ibbażat fuq l-istruttura tal-kliem. It-tfal mhux qed jiġu mitluba jitgħallmu bl-amment biss. Huwa l-għan ta’ din il-metodoloġija li t-tfal jakkwistaw ħiliet li huma meqjusa kruċjali fl-akkwist tal-qari u l-kitba.

    Kull ktieb jorbot ma’ ta’ qablu u jħejji t-triq għal ta’ warajh, waqt li jimxi b’mod parallel mal-kotba tal-qari f’din is-sensiela.

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  • Sensiela Fanali Blu – Ir-4 Livell (BDL)


    Fanali Blu għandu jintuża wara li t-tfal ikunu qraw il-Fanali Oranġjo u qraw il-flexkards sett 4 ta’ din is-sensiela.

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  • Sensiela Fanali OranÄ¡jo – It-3 Livell (BDL)


    – Uża Sett 3: Fanali Oranġjo wara li t-tfal ikunu qraw il-Fanali Vjola u qraw il-leħħiet ta’ sett 3 ta’ din is-sensiela:
    – Kliem b’sillaba waħda
    – Kliem b’sillaba waħda b’għenieqed konsonantali fil-bidu u fl-aħħar
    – kkvk/kvkk

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  • Sensiela Fanali Roża – Is-6 Livell (BDL)

    2.903.26 Select options
  • Stilel 1– Għat-Tagħlim Tal-Malti


    Ħafna drabi, meta t-tfal jagħmlu xogħol tajjeb u pulit, l-għalliema jagħtuhom stilla. Aħna nittamaw li bis-saħħa ta’ din is-sensiela, it-tfal jirnexxilhom jakkwistaw mhux stilla waħda, imma ħafna.
    L-għan ta’ dawn il-kotba huwa li t-tagħlim jiġi ppreżentat f’forma ta’ logħba, biex it-tfal jitgħallmu waqt li jieħdu gost. Kull ktieb jorbot ma’ ta’ qablu u jħejji t-triq għal ta’ warajh, b’hekk tinħoloq katina waħda li bil-mod il-mod twassal lit-tfal sas-sitt sena tal-iskola primarja.
    Nittamaw li dawn il-kotba jkomplu jħeġġu l-kreattivita` tat-tfal u li l-għalliema jużawhom bħala l-punt tat-tluq għal xogħol usa’.

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  • Stilel 2 – Ghat-Taghlim Tal-Malti


    Jekk ghandek madwar 6 snin dan il-ktieb huwa ghalik. Fih hafna loghob, stejjer u attivitajiet li jghinuk titghallem filwaqt li tkun qed tiegu gost. Tepp u Tipa se jkunu qed jghinuk u naturalment anki l-ghalliema tieghek jew il-genituri jew in-nanniet. Ghaliex le?
    Xi drabi se jkollok tikteb, drabi ohra taqra u waqtiet ohra tpingi. Nafu li tiehu gost tikteb, taqra u tpingi. Mela dan il-ktieb zgur tajjeb ghalik. U tinsiex, jekk ix-xoghol taghmlu pulit, ikollok hafna stilel!

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  • Stilel 4 – Għat-Tagħlim Tal-Malti


    L-attivitajiet ta’ Stilel 4 għandhom jgħinuk fit-tagħlim tal-Malti. Dan il-ktieb huwa mimli stejjer, ħrejjef, eżerċizzji marbuta mal-kitba u mal-kultura, logħob marbut mal-grammatika, u bosta attivitajiet oħra li lilek jistgħu jgħinuk tissaħħaħ fil-lingwa Maltija.
    Bħas-snin l-oħra, Tepp u Tipa se jerġgħu jkunu miegħek u jekk ma jkunux ta’ għajnuna biżżejjed, tinsiex li hemm l-għalliema tiegħek, il-ġenituri, ħutek il-kbar, in-nanniet u z-zijiet.
    Mela ħu din l-opportunita` u ibda ilgħab il-logħob li hemm f’dan il-ktieb u ara kemm jirnexxilek iġġemma’ stilel.
    Ħu gost!

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  • Stilel 5 – Għat-Tagħlim Tal-Malti


    Idħol fil-klabb ta’ Tepp u Tipa billi timla formola ppreparata apposta għalik u ħu sehem fl-attivitajiet li se ssib fi Stilel 5.
    Dan il-ktieb huwa mimli ħrejjef, stejjer u poeżiji sbieħ, attivitajiet li permezz tagħhom tista’ titħarreġ aktar fil-kitba fil-Malti, fit-taħdit, fis-smigħ u fil-grammatika Maltija. Għandek issib ukoll informazzjoni fuq il-kultura Maltija u fuq diversi poeti u kittieba Maltin. Barra minn hekk, f’dan il-ktieb se ssib ukoll parti minn storja tal-famuż Roald Dahl maqluba għall-Malti.
    U tinsiex l-istilel! Kemm se jirnexxilek iġġemma’ int u taħdem il-ktieb?

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  • Stilel 6 – Ghat-Taghlim Tal-Malti


    Stilel 6 hu mimli stejjer maġiċi, oħrajn informattivi, stejjer tad-daħk u oħrajn ftit inqas tad-daħk, leġġendi Maltin u oħrajn Ewropej.
    Dan il-ktieb fih ukoll eżerċizzji interessanti li jgħinuk tħaddem l-immaġinazzjoni tiegħek. Tista’ tingħaqad għall-aħħar darba ma’ Tepp u Tipa u taqra ħafna, tikteb ħafna, titħaddet ħafna, tisma’ ħafna u taħdem eżerċizzji grammatikali wkoll. Tibża’ xejn! M’hawn xejn tad-dwejjaq f’dan il-ktieb. anzi, fih se tiltaqa’ żgur ma’ ħafna karattri simpatiċi.
    Jekk trid tkun taf min kien Mikiel Anton Vassalli u għaliex weħel il-ħabs, min kienu Żgugina u n-nanna Spina, iftaħ dan il-ktieb, ibda aqra u aħdem dak li jgħidulek Tepp u Tipa. Ħu gost!

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  • Successinu 1


    Dan il-ktieb qieghed imfassal apposta biex jghinek, jiggwidak u jippreparak ghall-ewwel karta tal-ezami tac-CES (O Level tal-Malti).

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  • Successinu 2


    Dan il-ktieb hu mfassal apposta biex jghin u jiggwida lill-istudenti biex ihejju ruhhom ghat-tieni karta tal-ezami tal-Malti fil-livell Ordinarju, skont is-sillabu li jibda mill-2014 ‘il quddiem.

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  • Think & Learn – Ahseb u Tghallem – Malti 6 – Noti tar-Religjon


    – Dan hu ktieb ieħor fis-sensiela Aħseb u Tgħallem li hu aġġornat mat-tibdil li qed isir rigward l-assessjar tal-istudenti.
    – Dan il-ktieb jiġbor fih ir-riżorsi kollha li l-għalliema għandhom bżonn biex jippreparaw l-istudenti tagħhom għall-eżamijiet tas-Smigħ u tal-Oral ta’ ‘Tmiem l-Edukazzjoni Primarja’.
    – Il-ktieb jinkludi wkoll xi taħriġ biex l-istudenti jtejbu l-ħiliet tagħhom fil-kitba fil-qosor.
    – 3 CD


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  • Think & Learn – Ahseb u Tghallem – Malti 6 – Revizjoni tal-Grammatika


    Bhall-kotba l-ohra f’din is-sensiela dan il-ktieb hu aggornat mal-ahhar riformi li saru fil-mod kif it-tfal qed jigu assessjati fl-ezamijiet tal-Benchmark.

    Dan il-ktieb jinkludi hmistax-il test.  Kull test jinkludi silta minn ktieb u sett ta’ mistoqsijiet grammatikali bbazati fuq l-istess silta.

    B’hekk permezz ta’ dan il-ktieb it-tfal jistghu jaghmlu revizjoni tajba tal-grammatika tal-Malti u jiffamiljarizzaw ruhhom mal-mod kif se jkunu l-mistoqsijiet dwar il-grammatika fl-ezamijiet tal-Benchmark.

    L-ghalliema jistghu wkoll juzaw is-siltiet li jsibu f’dan il-ktieb biex jaghmlu ezercizji ta’ Tahrig il-Fehem, ta’ qari jew ta’ kitba fil-qosor mat-tfal tal-klassi taghhom.

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  • Think & Learn – Ahseb u Tghallem – Malti 5 – Fehim Mill-Qari


    – Dan il-ktieb jimxi pass pass mas-sillabu tal-Malti ghall-hames sena u huwa mfassal fuq il-kurrikulu tal-iskejjel primarji sabiex jibda jipprepara l-istudenti ghall-ezami tal-Benchmark.

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  • Think & Learn – Ahseb u Tghallem – Malti 6 – Fehim mill-Qari


    Malti Fehim mill-Qari huwa ktieb ta’ tahrig li jinkludi 20 test tal-fehim mill-qari. Dan il-ktieb jimxi pass pass mas-sillabu tal-Malti ghas-sitt sena u huwa mfassal fuq il-kurrikulu tal-iskejjel primarji sabiex jipprepara l-istudenti ghall-ezami tal-Benchmark.

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  • Think & Learn – Ahseb u Tghallem – Malti 6 – Smigh, Tahdit u Kitba


    Dan hu ktieb iehor fis-sensiela Ahseb u Tghallem li hu aggornat mat-tibdil li qed isir rigward l-assessjar tal-istudenti.

    Dan il-ktieb jigbor fih ir-rizorsi kollha li l-ghalliema ghandhom bzonn biex jippreparaw l-istudenti taghhom ghall-ezamijiet tas-Smigh u tal-Oral ta’ ‘Tmiem l-Edukazzjoni Primarja’.

    Il-ktieb jinkludi wkoll xi tahrig biex l-istudenti jtejbu l-hiliet taghhom fil-kitba fil-qosor.

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  • Think & Learn – Ahseb u Tghallem Sena 4 – Malti


    Dan il-ktieb jimxi pass pass fuq is-sillabu tal-Malti tar-raba’ sena u huwa t-tielet wiehed f’sensiela ta’ madwar hmistax-il ktieb imfassla fuq il-kurrikulu tal-iskejjel primarji.

    B’dawn il-kotba t-tfal jirrevedu s-suggett billi jfittxu u jsibu kliem u frazijiet importanti marbuta mieghu f’ghazla ta’ loghob ta’ tahbil il-mohh.

    Waqt li l-istudenti jsolvu l-loghob ta’ tahbil il-mohh, jimmemorizzaw l-aktar hwejjeg importanti tas-suggett.

    L-ghan taghna hu li r-revizjoni ssor loghba li minnha t-tfal jitghallmu filwaqt li jiehdu GOST.

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  • Think & Learn – English – Year 2


    The Think & Learn range has been developed with school teachers and students to ensure that it meets their revision needs, both for school and home revision. These primary level workbooks cover the latest syllabi and are in line with the Learning Outcomes Framework set by the Education Department. This series is an ideal tool for parents who wish to guide their children to achieve the best results in their examinations.

    Ahseb u Tghallem/Think and Learn series

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  • Think & Learn – English – Year 3


    The Think & Learn range has been developed with school teachers and students to ensure that it meets their revision needs, both for school and home revision. These primary level workbooks cover the latest syllabi and are in line with the Learning Outcomes Framework set by the Education Department. This series is an ideal tool for parents who wish to guide their children to achieve the best results in their examinations.

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  • Think & Learn – English – Year 4


    The Think & Learn range has been developed with school teachers and students to ensure that it meets their revision needs, both for school and home revision. These primary level workbooks cover the latest syllabi and are in line with the Learning Outcomes Framework set by the Education Department. This series is an ideal tool for parents who wish to guide their children to achieve the best results in their examinations.

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  • Think & Learn – English 5 – Comprehension

    7.50 Read more
  • Think & Learn – English 5 – Comprehension & Creative Writing


    The Think & Learn range has been developed with school teachers and students to ensure that it meets their revision needs, both for school and home revision. These primary level workbooks cover the latest syllabi and are in line with the Learning Outcomes Framework set by the Education Department. This series is an ideal tool for parents who wish to guide their children to achieve the best results in their examinations.

    English Year 5

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  • Think & Learn – English 6 – Comprehension

    7.50 Read more
  • Think & Learn – English Comprehension – Year 6


    The Think & Learn range has been developed with school teachers and students to ensure that it meets their revision needs, both for school and home revision. These primary level workbooks cover the latest syllabi and are in line with the Learning Outcomes Framework set by the Education Department. This series is an ideal tool for parents who wish to guide their children to achieve the best results in their examinations.

    English Year 6

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  • Think & Learn – English Year 2

    6.95 Add to basket
  • Think & Learn – English Year 4

    5.50 Add to basket
  • Think & Learn – Malti – Year 4


    Aħseb u Tgħallem Malti għar-4 sena

    Is-sensiela Think & Learn ġiet żviluppata flimkien mal-għalliema u l-istudenti biex tassigura li taqdi l-bżonnijiet tat-taħriġ, kemm fl-iskola kif ukoll id-dar.

    Dawn il-kotba tat-taħriġ għall-primarja jkopru l-aħħar sillabi u jimxu id f’id mal-Qafas tal-Kisbiet mit-Tagħlim tad-Dipartiment tal-Edukazzjoni. Din is-serje hija għodda ideali għall-ġenituri li jixtiequ jiggwidaw lit-tfal tagħhom biex jiksbu l-aħjar riżultati fl-eżamijiet.


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