Ara x’għamlilna l-Coronavirus! Hekk jibda dan il-ktieb li hu miżgħud b’kitbiet differenti. Se ssib żgur xi kitba jew tnejn li jolqtu l-gosti tiegħek. Kont taf li, sknot leġġenda, il-pitirross mhux minn dejjem kellu sidru aħmar? U l-karozza tal-linja, x’inhi tgħidlek illum, inti u taqra dan il-ktieb? Għalkemm tinsab magħluqa f’garaxx, xorta waħda sabet mod kif issemma’ leħenha u kif toħodna vjaġġ nostalġiku lura sal-passat. Min iħobb isir jaf iktar dwar it-tradizzjonijiet, f’dan il-ktieb għandu xalata. Se tiskopri iktar dwar ħlewwiet li jittieklu fi żmien l-Għid, kemm Malta kif ukoll f’pajjiżi barranin. Se ssir taf ukoll dwar it-tradizzjonijiet Maltin u Għawdxin marbutin mal-festi. Jekk tħobb l-avventura, aqra dwar x’għamel jum minnhom l-imqareb Fudge! Dan u iktar se ssibu inti u tqalleb il-paġni ta’ dan il-ktieb.
Miskin ir-raġel tat-tiben, dejjem hemm waħdu mitluq fl-għalqa tal-Baħrija. Imma stenna! Lilek min qallwk li jkun waħdu? Kemm ħbieb iżuruh kuljum.
Isimgħu lilu stess jirrakkuntalkom il-ġrajjiet tiegħu. Id-dilettanti tal-ajruplani se jieħdu pjaċir jaqraw il-ġrajja li ġrat tassew snin ilu meta ajruplan tal-gwerra kkraxxja fuqq Ħaż-Żabbar. Xi traġedja dik! Imħatra li anke xi nanniet, bħan-nannu Grezzju u n-nanna Marija, għadhom jiftakru x’ġara dakinhar.
Għal min iħobb l-istorja ta’ Malta żgur li għandu xalata ta’ kitbiet. Insiru nafu ftit aktar dwar it-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija permezz ta’ Ninu li jaqsam magħna parti mid-djarju tiegħu. Insiru nafu wkoll dwar l-Assedju l-Kbir u dwar it-Tempji mingħand ir-riċerkatur li tintervista Greta.
L-ambjent ukoll sab postu f’ dan il-ktieb. Aqra iktar dwar l-ittra li Laura kitbet lill-Għaqda ‘Il-Ġrajja tal-Ambjent’.
Dawn u kitbiet oħra jsawru dan il-ktieb li għandek f’ idejk … ktieb mimli esperjenzi, ġrajjiet u emozzjonijiet.
Dan huwa ktieb mis-sensiela Malti.K li jwassal it-tagħlim tal-kitba bil-Malti lit-tfal b’mod ġdid u kreattiv.
Dan il-ktieb huwa maħsub biex l-istudenti jkollhom l-opportunità li jikbru bħala kittieba u jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet tagħhom fil-kitba permezz ta’ attivitajiet li jvarjaw minn kitba ta’ poeżiji sa kitba ta’ rakkonti, kitbiet fattwali u ittri.
L-attivitajiet kollha ta’ dan il-ktieb tfasslu biex fl-aħħar tas-sitt sena skolastika l-istudenti jkunu ħadmu u laħqu l-Qafas tal-Kitbiet mit-Tagħlim (LOF) li mistennija li jintlaħqu f’dan il-livell.
F’kull unit l-istudenti se jkollhom kitbiet li jservuhom bħala mudell biex jimxu fuqu. Matul dan il-vjaġġ avventuruż tagħhom bħala kittieba se jkunu akkumpanjati minn Robin ir-Robot!
Dan huwa ktieb mis-sensiela Malti.K li jwassal it-tagħlim tal-kitba bil-Malti lit-tfal b’mod ġdid u kreattiv.
Dan il-ktieb huwa maħsub biex l-istudenti jkollhom l-opportunità li jikbru bħala kittieba u jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet tagħhom fil-kitba permezz ta’ attivitajiet li jvarjaw minn kitba ta’ poeżiji sa kitba ta’ rakkonti, kitbiet fattwali u ittri.
L-attivitajiet kollha ta’ dan il-ktieb tfasslu biex fl-aħħar tas-sitt sena skolastika l-istudenti jkunu ħadmu u laħqu l-Qafas tal-Kitbiet mit-Tagħlim (LOF) li mistennija li jintlaħqu f’dan il-livell.
F’kull unit l-istudenti se jkollhom kitbiet li jservuhom bħala mudell biex jimxu fuqu. Matul dan il-vjaġġ avventuruż tagħhom bħala kittieba se jkunu akkumpanjati minn Robin ir-Robot!
Malti.L huwa ktieb ta’ taħriġ addattat għall-istudenti fl-iskejjel medji, jiġifieri dawk tas-Seba’ u t-Tmien Sena. Huwa mibni fuq is-sistema tal-Kisbiet mit-Tagħlim għaliex jinħolqu spazju fejn l-istudenti jistgħu jkunu kritiċi u analitiċi f’poeżiji, siltiet letterarji u anke rumanzi li jaqraw. Dan il-ktieb jista’ jintuża kemm fl-iskejjel kif ukoll bħala mezz ta’ reviżjoni mal-ġenituri għaliex ma jorbotx lill-istudenti b’sillabu partikolari imma jħalli lok fejn wieħed jista’ jaqra dak li jixtieq hu. Fih hemm ukoll inklużi għadd ta’ eżerċizzji varji sabiex jintlaħqu abbiltajiet differenti iżda li finalment xorta waħda kulħadd jista’ jilħaq il-kisbiet mistennija. Malti.L jinkludi wkoll glossarju ta’ termini letterarji kif indikat fis-sillabu u għaldaqstant fih in-noti neċessarji marbuta mal-letteratura ta’ dawn is-snin. Naturalment huwa bażi tajba sabiex wieħed ikompli jimraħ fl-analiżi u l-kritika letterarja aktar ‘il quddiem.
Skema ta’ kotba ta’ qari llivellati bl-attivitajiet
Rakkonti fattwali dwar nies li għexu tassew u ġrajjiet li seħħew.
Livell 10
– It-testi jkunu bejn 1000 u 1500 kelma
– Stejjer u testi b’iktar minn ġrajja waħda.
– It-testi narrattivi jinkludu l-ħrejjef.
– L-istejjer u l-kitbeit fattwali jkunu maqsumin f’kapitli qosra u paragrafi.
– It-testi jinkludu lingwaġġ figurattiv iktar kumpless.
Skema ta’ kotba ta’ qari llivellati bl-attivitajiet
Storja vvintata dwar dragun li ma kienx jaf jitfa’ n-nar.
Livell 7
– It-testi jkunu bejn 500 u 600 kelma
– Ikun fihom sentenzi varjati bħala tul.
– Is-sentenzi jibdew isiru iktar kumplessi.
– Ikun fihom kliem, speċjalment dak ġdid, u frażijiet ripetuti.
– L-istejjer ikollhom iktar minn karattru wieħed.
– F’kull paġna jkun hemm madwar tmien sentenzi.
– Vokabolarju ġdid għall-qarrejja.
– L-illustrazzjonijiet li jakkumpanjaw testi fittizji juru biss parti mill-istorja u mhux l-istorja kollha.
– It-testi fattwali jkunu jinkludu wkoll sottotitli, glossarju, tabelli bit-tagħrif, dijagrammi u illustrazzjonijiet.
Malti.T 2 huwa t-tieni ktieb minn sensiela ta’ sitta fis-serje Malti.T u hu rrikmandat ghat-tieni sena tal-livell primarju.
Huwa ktieb ta’ tahrig differenti li jimxi id f’id mal-kotba tas-sensiela Malti.P.
Il-kotba fis-sensiela Malti.T ghandhom iservu bhala ghodda importanti u ta’ beneficcju fit-taghlim tal-Malti billi jipprovdu lill-istudenti li juzawhom tahrig prattiku fit-topiks grammatikali li jkunu tghallmu.
L-ezercizzji huma mqassma b’tali mod li jilhqu studenti f’livelli differenti skont il-bzonnijiet taghhom.
Dan il-ktieb huwa r-raba’ wiehed minn sensiela ta’ sitta. Huwa ktieb grammatikali li jimxi id f’id mal-kotba Malti.P 5 u Malti.P 6.
Malti.T 4 ghandu jservi bhala ghodda importanti u ta’ beneficcju fit-taghlim tal-Malti billi jipprovdi lill-istudenti li juzawh tahrig prattiku fit-topiks grammatikali li jkunu tghallmu.
Dan il-ktieb ta’ tahrig huwa rrikmandat ghal studenti fir-raba’ sena tal-iskola primarja. L-ezercizzji huma mahsuba biex jilhqu studenti f’livelli differenti skont il-bzonnijiet taghhom.
A complete course of Mathematics by Joseph Borg Galea.
for MATSEC at Ordinary Level
with over 2,100 Problems, 260 Worked Examples, Mental Tests & Progress Tests for regular revision
Notes and practical hints in every Lesson
geared for MATSEC examinations.
This practice book is aimed to compliment the exercises in the workbook of the Number Wise series. These additional exercises may help to address the needs of all or some of the students who need to practice to understand or consolidate certain skills learned in the workbook. This book may be used as classwork or homework to reinforce the acquisition of important knowledge and critical skills through repetitive practice. Certain questions may be more difficult than those found in the workbook to offer an opportunity for those students who are motivated by a challenge.
This practice book is aimed to compliment the exercises in the workbook of the Number Wise series. These additional exercises may help to address the needs of all or some of the students who need to practice to understand or consolidate certain skills learned in the workbook. This book may be used as classwork or homework to reinforce the acquisition of important knowledge and critical skills through repetitive practice. Certain questions may be more difficult than those found in the workbook to offer an opportunity for those students who are motivated by a challenge
This practice book is aimed to compliment the exercises in the workbook of the Number Wise series. These additional exercises may help to address the needs of all or some of the students who need to practice to understand or consolidate certain skills learned in the workbook. This book may be used as classwork or homework to reinforce the acquisition of important knowledge and critical skills through repetitive practice. Certain questions may be more difficult than those found in the workbook to offer an opportunity for those students who are motivated by a challenge.
This practice book is aimed to compliment the exercises in the workbook of the Number Wise series. These additional exercises may help to address the needs of all or some of the students who need to practice to understand or consolidate certain skills learned in the workbook. This book may be used as classwork or homework to reinforce the acquisition of important knowledge and critical skills through repetitive practice. Certain questions may be more difficult than those found in the workbook to offer an opportunity for those students who are motivated by a challenge.
This practice book is aimed to compliment the exercises in the workbook of the Number Wise series. These additional exercises may help to address the needs of all or some of the students who need to practice to understand or consolidate certain skills learned in the workbook. This book may be used as classwork or homework to reinforce the acquisition of important knowledge and critical skills through repetitive practice. Certain questions may be more difficult than those found in the workbook to offer an opportunity for those students who are motivated by a challenge.
This practice book is aimed to compliment the exercises in the workbook of the Number Wise series. These additional exercises may help to address the needs of all or some of the students who need to practice to understand or consolidate certain skills learned in the workbook. This book may be used as classwork or homework to reinforce the acquisition of important knowledge and critical skills through repetitive practice. Certain questions may be more difficult than those found in the workbook to offer an opportunity for those students who are motivated by a challenge.
Number Wise RAP is a workbook specifically designed for students in the final year of primary schooling.
It is a tool to help students acquire and boost their confidence in comprehending sample assessment questions and applying concepts they have already learnt through situations that are relative to their everyday life.
It also offers challenging problems which help to develop critical thinking.
Can be a helpful resource for teachers in complementing the textbooks being used in class.
It is a beneficial guide to parents to assist their children in preparing for their final assessments.
Number Wise is a collection of mathematics textbooks and workbooks specifically designed to cater for all the years of primary education. The series is produced by a team of Maltese primary teachers using the local context, making it specific and relevant for Maltese children. The contents are easy to follow with clear explanations and examples based on the National Curriculum Framework.
The series explores the four strands of Mathematics: Number, Measurement, Space and Shape and Data Handling presenting situations and problems that the pupils themselves may encounter during their development. This promotes reasoning, logical thought and critical skills in an environment they can easily relate to.
The CPA approach, particularly in the early years, helps children learn by using concrete material, pictorial and visual aids.
The series is complemented with Number Wise RAP which is a collection of revision assessment papers to help students reinforce what they have learnt. Number Wise RAP is supported with online podcasts for aural mental test questions.
Number Wise is a collection of mathematics textbooks and workbooks specifically designed to cater for all the years of primary education. The series is produced by a team of Maltese primary teachers using the local context, making it specific and relevant for Maltese children. The contents are easy to follow with clear explanations and examples based on the National Curriculum Framework.
The series explores the four strands of Mathematics: Number, Measurement, Space and Shape and Data Handling presenting situations and problems that the pupils themselves may encounter during their development. This promotes reasoning, logical thought and critical skills in an environment they can easily relate to.
The CPA approach, particularly in the early years, helps children learn by using concrete material, pictorial and visual aids.
The series is complemented with Number Wise RAP which is a collection of revision assessment papers to help students reinforce what they have learnt. Number Wise RAP is supported with online podcasts for aural mental test questions.
Number Wise is a collection of mathematics textbooks and workbooks specifically designed to cater for all the years of primary education. The series is produced by a team of Maltese primary teachers using the local context, making it specific and relevant for Maltese children. The contents are easy to follow with clear explanations and examples based on the National Curriculum Framework.
The series explores the four strands of Mathematics: Number, Measurement, Space and Shape and Data Handling presenting situations and problems that the pupils themselves may encounter during their development. This promotes reasoning, logical thought and critical skills in an environment they can easily relate to.
The CPA approach, particularly in the early years, helps children learn by using concrete material, pictorial and visual aids.
The series is complemented with Number Wise RAP which is a collection of revision assessment papers to help students reinforce what they have learnt. Number Wise RAP is supported with online podcasts for aural mental test questions.
Number Wise is a collection of mathematics textbooks and workbooks specifically designed to cater for all the years of primary education. The series is produced by a team of Maltese primary teachers using the local context, making it specific and relevant for Maltese children. The contents are easy to follow with clear explanations and examples based on the National Curriculum Framework.
The series explores the four strands of Mathematics: Number, Measurement, Space and Shape and Data Handling presenting situations and problems that the pupils themselves may encounter during their development. This promotes reasoning, logical thought and critical skills in an environment they can easily relate to.
The CPA approach, particularly in the early years, helps children learn by using concrete material, pictorial and visual aids.
The series is complemented with Number Wise RAP which is a collection of revision assessment papers to help students reinforce what they have learnt. Number Wise RAP is supported with online podcasts for aural mental test questions.
Number Wise is a collection of mathematics textbooks and workbooks specifically designed to cater for all the years of primary education. The series is produced by a team of Maltese primary teachers using the local context, making it specific and relevant for Maltese children. The contents are easy to follow with clear explanations and examples based on the National Curriculum Framework.
The series explores the four strands of Mathematics: Number, Measurement, Space and Shape and Data Handling presenting situations and problems that the pupils themselves may encounter during their development. This promotes reasoning, logical thought and critical skills in an environment they can easily relate to.
The CPA approach, particularly in the early years, helps children learn by using concrete material, pictorial and visual aids.
The series is complemented with Number Wise RAP which is a collection of revision assessment papers to help students reinforce what they have learnt. Number Wise RAP is supported with online podcasts for aural mental test questions.