3D Snakes and Ladders
€12.00– The slip, slide and climb action game
– The first player to reach the end of the path and claims the Golden key is the winner!– Between 2 and 4 players
– Recommended age: 4+ years -
Ambura – Board Game
€25.00Loghba bit-tema tal-ambjent u n-natura Maltija
Il-plejers iridu jippopolaw l-abitat taghhom bil-flora u fawna li nsibu fil-gzejjer Maltin bl-ghajnuna tal-esperti u bis-sahha tar-rizorsi.
Partu, innegozjaw u haddmu raskom sabiex tlestu qabel shabkom!
Eta: 7+
Bejn 2-6 plejersBis-sehem tal-Agenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litterizmu
Aqtaghha! – 2
€20.00Kif se twassal lill-plejers tat-tim tieghek biex jghidu l-kelma SKRUN?
Ma tistax tuza l-kelmiet:
‘vapur’, ‘bahar’, ‘dghajsa’, ‘idur’, u ‘magna’Il-hin ghaddej!!
– Eta: 7+
– Tinkludi 500 kelma u klessidra
– Bl-ghajnuna tal-Agenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litterizmu -
Aqtaghha! – 3
€20.00Għajjat il-Kelma!
Logħba għall-familja kollha
Plejer minn kull tim irid iwassal lil sħabu biex jaqtgħu l-kelma eżatta fil-kard billi jiddeskrivi u jagħti ħjiliet, iżda ma jistax juża l-ħames kelmiet li hemm miktubin fuq il-kard. Xi drabi ma tkunx daqshekk faċli, iżda din hija logħba li tiggarantixxi sigħat ta’ pjaċir u divertiment bejn il-familjari u l-ħbieb.
• logħba li tista’ tinġarr u tintlagħab kullimkien
• logħba li ssaħħaħ il-ħila tal-komunikazzjoni u l-kollaborazzjoni fi grupp
• tħaddem ukoll il-ħila tal-assoċjazzjoni billi l-plejers iridu jippruvaw jiddeskrivu u jassoċjaw il-kelma tal-kard ma’ oġġetti oħra li b’xi mod huma relatati magħha
• il-karti jippreżentaw ukoll lista sabiħa ta’ vokabolarju differenti li kulħadd jista’ jitgħallem minnu
• l-element tal-ħin iżid fl-eċitament u l-pjaċir tal-logħbail-kontenut
250 kard b’500 kelma, klessidra ta’ 60 sekondaetà : 7+
Bl-għajnuna tal-Aġenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litteriżmu
€40.00Logħba bis-sens għall-aħħar!
Irreċta l-kelma jew frażi jew iħħammja d-diska, pinġi fuq dahar sieħbek jew pinġi mgħammad, wieġeb tajjeb għall-mistoqsijiet jew ipprova aqta’ l-ħaġa moħġaġa. Dawn u aktar qed jistennewk f’din il-logħba veru Bis-Sens li tintlagħab fi grupp.
M’hemmx għalfejn tkun bravu jew xi artist, l-importanti li kapaċi tinftiehem, u li kulħadd jagħti sehmu.
– Logħba mżewqa li tinkludi tpinÄ¡ija, mima, reÄ‹tar, kif ukoll mistoqsijiet
– Tisħiħ fl-għarfien Ä¡enerali dwar Malta u l-lingwa Maltija
– 200 mistoqsija jew attività mqassmin f’4 pakketti kards b’temi differenti
– Siegħat ta’ gost u divertiment f’ambejnt familjari jew bejn il-ħbiebIl-kontenut:
Il-bord, 4 mazzi kards b’50 kard f’kull mazz, 4 pedini u dada tal-injam, klessidra ta’ 60 sekonda, u l-istruzzjonijiet.2–6 players
Ages 7+
Bis-sehem tal-Aġenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litteriżmu
Board Games – Boggle – (Hasbro Gaming)
€17.00– Head-to-head word search game
– Find the most words to win
– Shake up the letters, flip the timer and spot the words fast
– Includes Boggle grid base and lid, 16 letter cubes, sand timer, and instructions
– Recommended for 8+ years
– 1+ players -
Board Games – Classic Connect 4 – (Hasbro Gaming)
€28.00– Contains: 21 yellow discs, 21 red discs, playing grid with two legs, slide bar and game guide
– Ages: 6+ years
– 2 players -
Board Games – Connect 4 Grab & Go – (Hasbro Gaming)
€15.00– Contains: 21 yellow counters, 21 red counters, playing grid with trays and game guide
– Ages: 6+ years
– 2 players -
Board Games – Hungry Hungry Hippos Grab & Go – (Hasbro Gaming)
€12.00– Includes: 2 hippos, game unit, label sheet and instructions
– Plastic cover keeps marbles from rolling out
– Ages: 4+ years -
Classic Games – Chess
€9.20Played on a square board with 64 squares, the objective if the game is to checkmate the opponent’s King. Complex, elaborate strategies that have been devised to accomplish this goal can be seen in the national chess championships.
– 1 x standard 12 inch x 12 inch board
– 1 x 16 white and x 16 black chessmen
– Rules for play-Recommended age: 3 years+
Crash Strategy
€15.99The classic board game suitable for the whole family. Skill and strategy, concentration and a steady hand: this is what it takes to win at crash strategy
Age: 3+ years
Hasbro – Classic Jenga
€31.99Classic Jenga is the easy game that you can play anytime, anywhere – and any way you like. Whether you are serene, scientific, or sneaky when you choose your block, you?ll have fun!
– 54 pieces of hardwood Jenga blocks, stacking sleeve, instructionsAge: 6+ years
Hasbro – Cluedo Junior: The Case of the Broken Toy
€28.00In this Cluedo Junior game, players are on a mission to discover which toy is broken, who broke it and when.
Includes: Game board, 6 character pieces, 6 furniture tokens, 7 white bases, 7 yellow bases, detective notepad, die, label sheet and instructions
Age: 5+
Il-Kaz Tal-Kavallier/The Knight’s Riddle – (BDL)
€20.00– An investigative game in which the players need to solve the knight’s riddle by discovering who did the act, where and with what
– Contents: Evidence cards, playing cards, case envelope, notebook, and instructions
– Ages: 9+ years
– Players: 3 to 6 -
Kompendju – Kwiżż Bil-Malti Dwar Malta
€45.00– Aktar ma twiegeb mistoqsijiet tajbin, aktar timxi ‘l quddiem . . . ghalkemm ix-xorti taf tidhaq bik!
– Numru ta’ plejers: 2-6
– Eta: 9+ -
L-Gharef ta’ Salamun – Board Game
€40.00L-ewwel boardgame f’ghamla ta’ kwizz 100% Maltija, ghat-tfal u l-kbar.
Kif tintlaghab il-loghba:
Asal l-ewwel wiehed fuq il-kuruna biex tiehu t-titlu ta’ ‘L-Gharef ta’ Salamun’!
Itfa’ d-dada biex tkun taf is-suggett tal-mistoqsija tieghek. Il-plejer ta’ warajk jigbor il-karta u jistaqsik mistoqsija. Jekk twiegeb tajjeb minghajr l-ghajnuna, timxi 3 passi ’l quddiem fuq il-bord. Jekk twiegeb tajjeb bl-ghajnuna timxi pass wiehed biss. Jekk twiegeb hazin, tibqa’ fejn int. Il-kaxxi tax-’Xorti’ u tal-’Ghorrief’ jistghu jghinuk jew ifixkluk milli timxi ’l quddiem…
Importanti li tkun gharef… imma tajjeb li tkun xortik tajba wkoll!Il-Kontenut:
il-bord tal-loghba
6 pedini
dada tal-kuluri
klessidra ta’ 30 sekonda
6 mazzi karti b’50 mistoqsija f’kull mazz
mazz bi 30 karta tax-xorti
mazz bi 30 karta tal-ghorrief
istruzzjonijietBl-approvazzjoni tal-Agenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litterizmu
età 10+
L-Għaref Ta’ Salamun: Karti Addizzjonali
€14.95– 6 mazzi karti b’50 mistoqsija addizzjonali biex jintuzaw mal-loghba L-Gharef ta’ Salamun
– Bis-sehem tal-Agenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litterizmu -
Lampa Stampa
€15.00The Gripping Maltese Icons Game
Lampa Stampa is an engaging card game that takes you on a delightful journey through the captivating world of Malta’s most recognisable sights and objects. Whether you’re a local familiar with the iconic imagery of Malta or a curious visitor eager to discover its cultural heritage, get ready to immerse yourself in an exciting game that celebrates the beauty and diversity of the Maltese islands.
– Suitable for players of all ages
– Compact and easy to carry
– Beautiful illustrations of Malta’s most recognisable icons
– Combines observation, quick thinking, and a fair share of friendly competition
– Hours of guaranteed fun in a family and friendly atmosphereContents:
– 57 cards, instructions
– 2–6 playersAges 7+
Mohhok Hemm
€40.00– Il-loghba ufficjali tal-kwizz Mohhok Hemm fuq TVM ma’ Carlo Borg Bonaci u Gordon Bonello.
– Kwizz edukattiv u divertenti maqsum fuq 5 loghbiet b’garanzija ta’ sighat ta’ ecitament f’ambjent kompetittiv bejn il-plejers, f’taqtigha kontinwa bejniethom biex jakkwistaw l-akbar numru ta’ punti.
– Ages: 10+ years
– 3 – 5 players -
€46.99Game package includes:
– 8 Metal Tokens
– 28 Title deed cards
– 16 Chance cards
– 16 Community chest cards
– 32 Houses
– 12 Hotels
– 2 Dice
– Money pack
– Game guide
– Quantity of gamers: 2 to 6
– Age: 8 years and over -
Monopoly Grab and Go
– Gameboard
– Gameboard label
– Card sheets: Title deed cards; Chance and Community chest lists; 4 Get out of jall free cards
– 4 plastic playing tokens
– Monoploy money
– 3 Dice
– 32 houses
– 12 hotels
– Game guide
– Recommended age: 8 years+ -
€20.00– Cards can be found both in Maltese and English text
– (English:)First, you need to get your hands on the cards while making sure not to let your friends beat you to it!
– (Maltese:) Ghaqqad 6 jew 9 kards flimkien biex tirbah imma l-ewwel irid jirnexxilek takkwista l-kards filwaqt li taghmel minn kollox biex ma thallix lil shabek ilestu qablek!
– 2 to 6 players
– Recommended age: 7+ years
– Bis-sehem tal-Agenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litterizmu -
Paniku 2
€20.00– Cards can be found both in Maltese and English text
– (English:)Match 6 or 9 cards together to win. First, you need to get your hands on the cards while making sure not to let your friends beat you to it!
– (Maltese:) Ghaqqad 6 jew 9 kards flimkien biex tirbah imma l-ewwel irid jirnexxilek takkwista l-kards filwaqt li taghmel minn kollox biex ma thallix lil shabek ilestu qablek!
– 2 to 6 players
– Recommended age: 7+ years
– Bis-sehem tal-Agenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litterizmu -
Pictionary – (Mattel Games)
€36.00– Contents: 120 adult cards, 80 junior cards, 2 card boxes, 4 category cards, 2 wipe clean markers, 2 wipe clean boards, 1 playing board, 2 playing pieces, 1 sand timer, 1 die, and 1 rules sheet.
– Age: 8+ years -
Rummikub – The Original Word Game
€14.99112 Tiles
4 Racks-turn into case
Detailed RulesFor 2-4 Players
Ages: 7 to AdultRummikub word board game is a stimulating, fast paced, strategic game that your kids can play with their friends or family. They will have lots of fun outsmarting and outwitting their opponents with intelligent moves and strategy. Each game will be different for them based on the choices that have been made.
€39.99Use letter tiles to build words by crisscrossing words already on the board.
You don’t have to know big words to score big points, just take advantage of premium squares to maximise your point total!Contents:
– 4 racks
– 100 letter tiles
– Tile bag
– Rules
– Playing board2-4 players
Age: 10+ -
Skrami – Ifforma Kelma
€25.00(Maltese:) L-objettiv tal-loghba hu li tghaqqad il-kelmiet bil-pedini li ttella u ggib l-akbar numru ta’ punti biex tirbah. Ghal kliem b’aktar minn 3 pedini tinghata punti bonus
(English:) The objective of the game is to combine the words with the pawns you pick up and get the most points to win. For words with more than 3 tokens, bonus points are awarded– 2 to 4 players
– Fiber bag with 4 stands and 130 pawns
– Includes an instruction manual
– Recommended age: 9+ years -