Dicitionary – Dizzjunarju Bil-Malti Ghat-Tfal – Edizzjoni Riveduta U Mizjuda
€14.95Rebbieh tal-premju TERRAMAXKA 2015.Edizzjoni riveduta li tinkludi ’l fuq minn 5,000 kelma.Stampat bil-kulur biex jgħinek tfittex u taqra.Għal kull kelma jingħata eżempju biex jgħin lill-qarrejja jifhmuha aħjar fil-kuntest. Il-kelma tingħata b’kulur aħmar fl-eżempju.Għal kull kelma tingħata l-kategorija grammatikali, is-sillabar, il-varjanti, l-għerq, il-Ä¡ens, il-plural u l-għadd imtenni skont kif japplika.Kull kelma għandha traduzzjoni bl-Ingliż biex tkompli tgħin fit-tifsira.AppendiÄ‹i miżgħud b’informazzjoni interessanti u utli bħall-warda tal-irjieħ, in-numri ordinali u kardinali, mappa tal-gżejjer Maltin, l-Istati Membri tal-UE u ħafna aktar. -
Dicitionary – Dizzjunarju Tal-Malti Għall-Iskejjel
€25.00Kull kelma hi stampata kbira biex tidher aħjar u mfissra b’mod Ä‹ar u sempliÄ‹i. Hemm ukoll bosta eżempji biex jgħinu aktar fit-tifsir tal-kliem. B’aktar minn 12,000 kelma mfissra, dan id-Dizzjuanrju għandu jkun ta’ għodda siewja u meħtieÄ¡a għal dawk kollha li jixtiequ jħaddmu aħjar il-Malti, kemm fl-iskola kif ukoll fil-ħajja ta’ kuljum.
Dictionary – Collins Dictionaries Pocket Edition
€12.59 – €13.99Up-to-date with all the latest words, phrases and translations from the specified language and English.
Easy tips to help with difficult words, key vocabulary and verbs. -
Dictionary – Collins English Dictionary & Thesaurus Pocket Edition
€12.64All the definitions, alternative words and opposites you need in this comprehensive and portable two-in-one resource.
Matching dictionary and thesaurus entries on the same page for easy reference. The most useful alternative words are shown first and highlighted. -
Dictionary – Dizzjunarju ghall-Primarja – (Merlin)
€9.00– Dizzjunarju ghat-tfal tal-primarja minn 7 snin ‘il fuq, bi kliem addattat ghalihom
– Definizzjonijiet u sentenzi hfief ghat-tfal
– Stampi mahduma apposta ghad-dizzjunarju, bil-kulur
– Facli biex jintuza fil-klassi u d-dar -
Dictionary – Junior Dictionary
€9.50Children can check their spelling, build vocabulary and polish their grammar skills with this clear, concise dictionary.
Each page is packed with colour illustrations and pictures to help illustrate definitions and example sentences for each heading word.
– Bright design, easy to use
– Builds vocabulary
– Clear, relatable definitions
– A brilliant resources to help children build literacy skills and
Ideal for school-age kids, this young reference book promises to become a firm favourite for many years. A highly useful, user-friendly dictionary for school and home!
Dictionary – Kelmet il-Malti
€12.00 – €15.50The best selling Dictionary in Malta – Revised Edition by Kaptan Pawlu Bugeja
Maltese-English & English-Maltese
Over 70,000 words2 sizes to choose from: Pocket or A5 size
Dictionary – L-Ewwel Dizzjunarju Tieghi
€12.95Dizzjunarju ghaz-zghar li jintroduci l-alfabett u l-vokabolarju tal-bidu bi stampi kkuluriti.
Facli biex tuzah
Imqassam skont l-alfabett u b’tipa kbira u kkulurita biex jghin lit-tfal fil-qari u l-fehim.
Madwar 2,000 kelma bil-Malti u bl-Ingliz ghat-tfal fis-snin bikrin.
Stampi kkuluriti
Kull kelma akkumpanjata minn stampa bil-kulur biex taghti gost waqt it-taghlim.
Kliem utli
Vokabolarju iehor migbur f’temi differenti u f’kuntesti varji.
Maltese for Foreigners Level A1 Beginners-Elementary
€7.75 – €9.50Maltese for Foreigners – Level A1
CD also available at: https://copyquick.mt/product/maltese-for-foreigners-audio-cd/
Maltese for Foreigners Level A2
€7.75 – €9.50With these books, you can:
âž Discover Maltese language;
âž Enrich your vocabulary
âž Learn Maltese expressions
âž Improve your writing, reading, listening and pronunciation skills;
âž Explore the Maltese culture. -
Maltese For Foreigners – Audio CD
€4.99– Audio CD (Updated Version 2017)
– Listen to Native Maltese Speakers Reading this Series
The CD is saved in an MP3 format so it can be played on a computer. The CD contains the audio files linked to the books in the series Maltese for Foreigners.
Level A1
1. My First 750 Words in Maltese, Gutenberg Press, (2013);
2. Maltese Grammar Essentials in Context, Gutenberg Press, (2013);
3. Speaking Maltese, Gutenberg Press, (2013);
The CD also contains the audio files of the Maltese-Italian version of this level:
1. Le mie prime 750 parole in maltese, (2018)
2. Grammatica maltese essenziale e contestuale 1, (2018)
3. Parlo maltese 1, (2018)
Level A2
1. More Words in Maltese, BDL Publishing, (2015);
2. Maltese Grammar Essentials in Context 2, Gutenberg Press, (2016);
3. Speaking Maltese 2, Gutenberg Press, (2013);
Level B1
1. Further Words & Expressions in Maltese, BDL Publishing, (2015).
2. Maltese Grammar Essentials in Context 3, Gutenberg Press, (2017);
3. Speaking Maltese 3, Gutenberg Press, (2016);
4. Reality, Gutenberg Press, (2013)
5. Rocco learns karate, Gutenberg Press, (2013);
Maltese for Special Purposes
1. Medical Words & Phrases in Maltese, Gutenberg Press, (2015);
2. Speaking Medical Maltese 1, Gutenberg Press, (2015);
3. Speaking Medical Maltese 2, Gutenberg Press, (2016). -
Maltese Grammar Essentials in Context for Healthcare Professionals
€16.95Maltese for Foreigners – Maltese for Specific Purposes
Maltese Grammar Essentials in Context for Healthcare Professionals is a bilingual grammar book in Maltese and English. It teaches Maltese grammar in an easy-to-follow format using various situations commonly encountered at a hospital. The exercises and activities are designed to teach the language in a real-life context in a cyclical manner while simultaneously aiding vocabulary acquisition as well as effective comprehension and communications skills.
With this book, you can:
âž Discover Maltese grammar basics;
âž Enrich your medical and scientific vocabulary;
âž Learn colloquial medical terms;
âž Learn Maltese expressions related to medical contexts;
âž Improve your writing, reading, listening and speaking
âž Improve your communication skills, helping you to converse in real-life situations within the medical setting;
âž Explore the Maltese culture. -
Speaking Medical Maltese From Zero
€16.95Maltese for Foreigners – Maltese for Specific Purposes
Speaking Medical Maltese from Zero contains 42 realistic dialogues, with parallel translations, to help you learn medical Maltese, improve your reading and listening skills, and at the same time work on your speaking skills without having constantly to look in a dictionary.
After some dialogues you will find a box with important phrases and medical expressions and their translations.
With this book, you can:
– Delve further into the Maltese language;
– Enrich your medical and scientific vocabulary;
– Learn colloquial medical terms;
– Learn Maltese expressions related to medical contexts;
– Improve your reading, listening and speaking skills;
– Improve your communication skills, helping you to converse in realistic situations in a medical setting;
– Explore the Maltese culture. -
Thesaurus – Collins English Thesaurus Pocket Edition
€12.59– World renowned English thesaurus in pocket size. Ideal for school, home and work.
– Comprehensive and easy-to-use.
– The most useful alternative words are shown first and highlighted. -
Thesaurus – It-Teżawru it-Tieni Edizzjoni
€24.95Uża ‘It-Teżawru’ biex torqom xogħlok u tħaddem aħjar l-Ilsien Malti.
8,000 kelma bis-sinonimi u l-antonimi
– referenza iktar faÄ‹li bl-użu ta’ termini bil-kulur
– ideali għal Ä¡urnalisti, tradutturi, segretarji u studenti
– utli għal korrispondenza, esejs, teżijiet u kitba kreattiva.Minn: Albert W Agius.