With expert-reviewed content, these fantastic books will build your child’s confidence and knowledge in essential school subjects. By working through the engaging activities with your child, you can help them prepare for their first years at school.
Packed with fun practice activities and colorful stickers to reward effort and good work, these books are the perfect first steps in your child’s school journey.
This clever workbook is packed with exercises and a giant poster crammed with quick-fire memory boosters, making it ideal for linking school and home learning.
Available in 2 levels covering English and Math units.
Maths Revision has been developed to support children with their school work. It will help build confidence and reinforce their understanding of key skills.
-Supports literacy and numeracy taught in schools
– Links school and home learning with clear objectives
– Includes over 50 motivational reward stickers
– Fun cartoons and bold design to engage young learners
Help with Homework is a fun way to link school and home learning, helping children reinforce key skills.
With expert-reviewed exercises and activities, these fantastic books will build your child’s confidence and knowledge across essential school subjects. The engaging activities are designed to keep learners entertained and reinforce the lessons learned at school.
Packed with fun practice activities and colorful stickers to reward effort and good work, these books are the perfect for holiday work, exam preparation and all kinds of home learning.
Nilagħbu bl-Ewwel Kelmiet jinkludi 12-il tema li jikkumplimentaw il-kotba tal-qari ta’ dan il-programm. Kull tema tibda b’attivitajiet sempliċi li t-tfal ikunu kapaċi jaħdmu waħedhom biex isaħħu l-vokabularju relatat mat-tema. L-attivitajiet gradati tal-qari, kitba u grammatika jwasslu lit-tfal biex jaqraw u jiktbu kliem, frażijiet u sentenzi filwaqt li jistimulaw il-kreattività  tat-tfal bit-tpinġija u l-kitba.
Programm ta’ qari u kitba għat-tfal tas-snin bikrin
Bis-sehem tal-Aġenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litteriżmu
Nilagħbu bl-Ewwel Kelmiet jinkludi 12-il tema li jikkumplimentaw il-kotba tal-qari ta’ dan il-programm. Kull tema tibda b’attivitajiet sempliċi li t-tfal ikunu kapaċi jaħdmu waħedhom biex isaħħu l-vokabularju relatat mat-tema. L-attivitajiet gradati tal-qari, kitba u grammatika jwasslu lit-tfal biex jaqraw u jiktbu kliem, frażijiet u sentenzi filwaqt li jistimulaw il-kreattività  tat-tfal bit-tpinġija u l-kitba.
Programm ta’ qari u kitba għat-tfal tas-snin bikrin
Bis-sehem tal-Aġenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litteriżmu
Leap Ahead Workbook English & Maths.
Support your little superstar’s learning and build skills at home with this Leap Ahead Workbook.
The activities in this book provide the perfect start for young children to begin enjoying Maths and English as they learn to write, count and add with confidence.
120+ Pages of Activities
Parent Tips for Extra Support
Written by Teaching Experts